Sunday, November 30, 2008


This wound is already healed...

I had an amazing weekend... One that I will remember all my life


Wow, I always knew that my relationship with Ricardo had an expiration date...

At least I saved my own life on the way

Thursday, November 27, 2008


A friend told me yesterday that I have ghosts in my apartment...(half-jokingly)
I don't believe in that kind of thing, but I do hear and see stuff in my apartment, (which he also heard)...but I think I kinda like them... they're not annoying, so why would they be scary?

what is with Rick Astley in the Macy's Parade? of all places, the cartoon network float?


I'm in bed...
and I'm writing for my papers...

And all I can think of is how stupid I really was, when I tried to hold on to some things...

I'm all better now! It's all good!

I'm a professional now...
I'm a friend now...
I'm smiling now...

Even though it's cold...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've just been putting hidden quotes around all week...
which can be fun...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am a walrus...

Wait wait wait...
I need to clarify this (last post) for my own sake:

This is not about love
'Cause I am not in love
In fact I can't stop falling out
I miss that stupid ache...

As Ms. Apple clearly puts it...

But if anyone actually knows that reference, they will get it...


I'm falling again...

I have been down this road before, and I hope it doesn't turn ugly like many other times...

But in the meantime, let me enjoy this newfound feeling of...

Interés por alguien bien afín... ahora, si solo supiera que el dulce no está disponible, me conformaría con pasear al frente de la dulcería todos los días y hablar pacíficamente con el dueño...

But enojoying it nevertheless...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


In just one month, I'll be back to vacation on the little island I still call home.
Which apart from the good news that also means that I have to get some serious work done!!!

This has been a tough semester, not impossible, but tough...and it's going to get tougher now!!!

The only day I plan to take off is Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Listening to Chop Suey brings back so many memories from high school...
Watching the video on MTV in the morning before going to school...


Lately I have been reading a lot about development studies in Anthropology. Check it out, cause if it wasn't for these classes, I would've never heard of this.

I don't have much to say on the topic at the moment, but I get the impression that this is a very important area in social studies, as a lot of our actions here in the US affect in many many ways, the so called developing countries.

At the same time this whole development studies thing, help us to challenge our notions of what is a developing country and what not...

Here are some other links:
UN Development Studies
Study Abroad in Thailand
Development Anthropology

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wizard of Oz

So I watched the movie today... what a trippy movie. But Oh well...

Am I the only one that's perturbed by the fact that she KILLED two witches in just one day... is this for children?
Oh well...

Moving on to Memento now...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dream again...

Finally I had a lovely dream...
A dream where I'm not running for my life or plain thinking of He-who-must-not-be-named...

I want to live in a place like that...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Nova is Amazing...

This goes to my Anthropology peeps, and everybody who's interested in human evolution studies...

Link Here....

The episode was about the rare finding of Homo floresiensis and how he fits in the evolutionary chain...

Isn't science logical?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the awesomeness...

That is Chetes...
It's in Spanish so...I will do the appropriate thing and switch to Spanish.

Este cantante mexicano solía estar en la banda Zurdok, y aunque no lo conozco de esa época. Su material reciente es el que me llama más la atención. Escuché la canción Efecto Dominó esta mañana y me encantó...

"Estar en control solo es una idea, que te hace sentir feliz..."

...Back to work

The greatest story ever told…

Pardon my incoherence…this was a dream

I'm in Silver Spring and me and my friends are looking for a place to eat, as they turned down all the places I know I suggest we take the bus to downtown. I think I was like 12 here. We decided to walk up to our house then, but we see the police and paramedics taking a body away. We run to the scene and find out that someone was just murdered there. But nobody seemed to care as the workers were still painting the big building. The building was so big, but at the same time it was so badly constructed that it was not evenly constructed everywhere, kind of like those old buildings you see in Santurce (old section of town in the capital), but oh well. I saw one of the workers in the ladder fall down beside me and cringe to death while I just stood there with my indifference. Then I tried to go through the uneven edges of the two buildings, but thought it wasn't worth it anymore because it was such a long time ago whenI did it (when I was a little kid) and when they reconstructed it they eliminated the door that was there. The building was being painted a pale yellow. I see a ghost at the end that is walking in the rocky path, the same rocky path me and my brother tried to cross when we were little but found out too hard and painful to do it barefoot. The ghost was walking towards me crossing the path and I I though, THAT IT CAN'T BE. Robert showed me what his clothes would look like if he actually crossed that path, ages and ages ago. Which he did, because it was him!

I jumped into the old helicopter that was on the overgrown grass and sat there for a while, my nana came and I decided to turn it on…and it did! I flew around dangerously close to some people and saw my brother and waved at him… The memory of our grandfather was still alive!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not here…

For a while…I doubted if I was really here.


It's amazing how disrupted and calm you can be at the same time.
You may feel like your insides are crumbling, because the truth is so hard to swallow, and yet you smile-you smile like you mean it...except, that you actually mean it.

Esto no es sobre Litio, ni ninguno de sus lovechildren, solamente una respuesta natural...tan natural como las hojas que ves caer todos los días...cada escena es diferente cada minúsculo segundo que dejas de prestarle atención. Pero te sientes aludido, porque las hojas caen y no en el mismo lugar...y aunque cambian de tono, se secan-la mortalidad no pierde este juego, esto no es House...Sientes el frío-tan largo y continuo este frío...Sabes que la expectativa te dió por loco, y te dejó esperando en Starbucks. Pero no todo es malo, porque en la espera te tomasté un café- aunque no el mismo que pides siempre (white chocolate mocha, non fat milk con syrup de almendra)-y conociste a Björn...

"Te diste cuenta?" me dice...
"Lo que me di cuenta, es que hablas perfecto español...como podría agredecer tal entendimiento?"
"Marry me..." he says while he...

It's amazing how disrupted and torn you can be, and appear to be calm...Because you were reminded that it is not all over...that you still have to deal with some minor details...
But for the first time in my life, I am surrendering ambiguity; and I don't want to talk about it! Not with you anymore...I am done...and I am free to feel however I want about this...


Why am I still awake at this unholy hour???

Monday, November 10, 2008


And in one hour and a half I was able to read two chapters for class,
one more chapter for an end of semester project, do the summary for
said project and install windows xp on my mac...
I freed myself from the Sunday curse!!!

Sunday indeed...

This sounds like a long overdue echo, but Sundays suck!
I didn't do anything all day.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

parties and get togethers...

I've been having fun here with a few of my new friends...
and that's it!

I've been having fun... And when days like these just keep on coming, I don't have much to say.

I just say thanks to the cosmos for letting me enjoy a nice evening...
Thanks to the friends that lend their ears for my woes, my cheerfulness, my rants...even my cravings :)...

I'm thankful that at least, I'm being able to move on without looking back that often; and even when I look back, my step doesn't quiver...

I'm taking big strides here, and I hope they don't get smaller with time.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Stupid, stupid people of the US

It's true that we have come a long way and we elected our first African-American president. But it's sad that the LGBT community is still being treated as second class citizens. Worst of all is that in the states where these discriminatory laws got passed, they were supported by more than the majority of Latino/Hispanic and African-American that voted.

Seriously? How the hell can you be black or Latino and still discriminate towards others? Towards your brothers and sisters?

How the hell? I mean what the fuck? How can you discriminate against LOVE?

And then there are stupid people like this Solomon Brown from California. An African-American young man that voted for Obama and voted in favor of prop 8, and then he says:

" He had no qualms about voting for Obama, either, and adds that his choice wasn't related to race. But he worries what moral beliefs will be taught in coming years.

"I don't want a man and a man to be married," Brown said. "When I have kids, I don't want them to see that."

Still, he says he doesn't hate gay people and has several gay friends. He emphasizes that he dislikes the fact that people are gay, but not the individuals themselves.

"I can't be prejudiced against them, with me being an African-American," Brown said. "That would be hypocritical in my eyes.""

How is that OK? How is it OK to dislike the fact that people are gay? How is it OK to just say it in NATIONAL PRESS??? I mean can I be honest here and just say that I dislike the fact that people are black? or Latinos? Because, they were born that way right? They didn't choose to be black or Latino, right? How the hell is that different from gay people? I would be so criticized if I ever said: "Yes, um I like keebler crackers, but oh no, I'm sorry, black people? No, I dislike them.

How is it OK to still treat some people like that? "I dislike how you were born and I'm sorry but it disgusts me so much that my children shouldn't be exposed to such an atrocity...
"But hey let's put on some sex and violence here on tv just for the kids. right? RIGHT? How is that any different from any white bigot that 'dislikes' Jews or Blacks just because they are that way? In what century are we? I seem to be lost in some anachronistic vortex here.

You Solomon Brown are a prejudiced little fucker, cause you are judging them by saying you dislike the fact they are gay? You disgust me, and personally i am tired of being (as they say) TOLERANT to people who are just plain stupid.

This is just too much...I'm starting to become a bit of a misanthrope...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

just wondering...

what the fuck is wrong with pink and her new song?

Obama won

...and I'm in the 7th floor of the library...
hidden away reading my stuff...

Cause the professors here like me... and they care about me :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

election day

I don’t know how to feel about this...I mean, what if Obama doesn’t win? I’ll be devastated for sure, but I will all be given up?

Not only because of Obama, but what is happening in certain states where people want to take away rights, instead of conceding more. The same goes for the governor’s seat and legislature back home. There is one particular candidate, that I think has great popularity, but it’s the worst candidate in so many ways. His is ultra conservative, wants to strip away the reserve status of areas of great ecological importance and wants to do make law in an amendment that will make it so, that only married couples are married. This affects not only affect homosexual and lesbian couples, but also people who live in consensual marriages...People overlook these things, even my family does, but when you vote for a candidate, you vote for the whole’re getting him/her and all his/her goodies!

I hope this turns out for the best...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

really, why?

I should have seen it coming...

When we first started going out, and a little problem came in the way, He wouldn't want to talk about, he was always up for forgetting everything in order for everything to be calm. I on the other hand, wanted to confront everything when it happened (or at least in a reasonable time after everything subsided)... I got everything off my chest, more than a week ago...

Thank God, I’m not waiting for his debriefing call, to clear things up on his side (cause he thinks I have the wrong idea)...

so...why am I still thinking about this?