Sunday, October 29, 2006

fucking a...

Blast, it has to be 12:00 a.m. for me to remember that I had to send my poster for the washington conference before 8 a.m guess who's doing that at the last minute, because he forgot! aahhh! after all a weekend just doing nothing...

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I just finished watching the end of evangelion for the second time...
I am still freaked out, like the first time...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


where is my time?
where is my time?
  1. Tengo un revisión biliográfica extensiva para mi "tesina" en la que voy a trabajar en el próximo año y medio.(ni si quiera tengo que pensar todo lo que tengo que leer para esto...)
  2. Next thursday...poster practice for The COR Colloquium.
  3. Finish building the data base for the research project I am working on "extra-curricularly"
  4. October 23-Ensayo monográfico de antropologia demografica...(son como 300 paginas que tengo que leer para esto, incluyendo journal articles)
  5. October 25 Archaeology Test
  6. October 26
    1. Hand in Final list of interships/research experiences for next summer.
    2. Hand in Bibliography for my "tesina"

  7. November 1-5... COR Colloquium at Washington D.C.
  8. November 15
    1. Tercer Ensayo de Antropología demográfica.
    2. Entregar trabajo final de arqueología...(which I hate and is a lot, a lot of work!)

This is me venting...and complaining.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


We all need a life...(most of us).
And in some weird way I am satisfied because I am using mine...but then again, maybe that's just my super ego trying to make me clean my room...