Thursday, May 04, 2006

Moments when life is worth it:
1)Cornell University sends your flight and two month schedule for this summer.
2)That you have been such an outstanding student that you can "slack off" sometimes in the following classes: Humanities, History, Geography and sometimes Psychology; and Professors will understand that you can make it up anytime, because you're such a "Great student who contributes greatly to class"
-also such an outstanding student that The University of Marylan, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and UCLA (apart from Cornell) wanted you for their summer programs...(I wanted to go to UCLA, but they took too much time to answer me, so I accepted Cornell at the end, and just when I had just accepted they contact me to say: Congratulations... their loss anyway *scoffs*).
3)When is 1:00 a.m., and you haven't finished your psychology research proposal presentation (due this morning) and you're masturbating over and over again, even though there is pain involved...
-While watching porn...
-While wearing a crucifix that its sole purpose is to remind you to put a salsa dip in your backpack the next day...
4) When you have Mozilla Firefox and the following pages open:
-Fiordo, Wikipedia
-Noam Chomsky, Wikipedia
-Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, Wikipedia
-World View, Wikipedia
-Psycholinguistics, Wikipedia
-Aphasia, Wikipedia
-Feral Child, Wikipedia
-Free Sex Pictures and Movies
5)When you buy a Linguistic Bibliography of Spanish in Puerto Rico for future reference for my research interests.
6)When you actually feel good about yourself...
7)When you are actually doing something to feel good about yourself...
8)When you feel good about yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.