Saturday, September 27, 2008


I am reading this chapter, cause I’m doing something for a class next week, and I’m going to do my paper on suffering/illness experience/ HIV/AIDS; and I found this interesting, among many other things:

“Suffering is voiceless in the metaphorical sense that silence becomes a sign of something ultimately unknowable. It implies an experience not just disturbing or repugnant but inaccessible to understanding. in this sense, suffering encompasses an irreducible nonverbal dimension that we cannot know-not at least in any normal mode of knowing-because it happens in a realm beyond language. The quality of such suffering remains as blank to thought as the void opened up by a scream.”

David D. Morris, in the Chapter About Suffering: Voice, Genre, and Moral Community in Social Suffering.

My research is so uplifting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
