The life of a modern day Puerto Rican Coelacanth in the D.C. Metropolitan area...coping with culture shock and school...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
La manera ma creepy posible. Pero no todo es negativo, porque ya termine mi paper...
-mobile post
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This is it?

Sometimes, some things feel ethereal- even not real. Sometimes just the act of going to bed, seems so rehearsed, so planned, that one forgets that it was planned at all (though sometime ago). It's not even taking things for granted, is more like forgetting our lines in the play and improvising. Lately, I've been feeling that exact same way: like I have just been improvising because I forgot the lines that I was supposed to deliver on these scenes. Maybe, this means that I'm no good at plays and would do better at improv comedy. But secretly, I long for the anonymity and simple coreographs of the usher.
Always the undecided...
-mobile post
Monday, October 26, 2009
What about this so called new life

So I know I was wrong... And now I'm paying for it. But more than just making the mistake of going through my ex's email, the mistake was making you my partner in crime. Though I am busted, I am going to stay silent on your matters my dear... Good or bad times, I have discovered that I am not you.
And this doesn't clear the fact that what I did was wrong, but I'm coming clean and trying to move on...
And now, trying to make ammends.
-mobile post
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
-mobile post
Monday, October 05, 2009
I have had this blog since 2004... yet I deleted my posts from that past...and now I regret that.
I am surprised because I have had my current journal (you know, a paperback old-school blog) for the past 3 years. I have not written everyday in it, but I feel like it has documented a lot of what I think. The usefulness of it all is that I can read back and look at how have I changed (or not) by what I wrote (or what I didn't write). I love that journal...even though I have said several times that it must die sometime soon, I am scared to let go of it. I have decided to continue writing in it, until the pages run out... and then the next one will do its job.
I have had several journals in the past; most of them ended up being not filled up because I was too lazy to write a full account of what was happening with my days...and I hated that. So I think that is why I am attached to this one so much, because it's not rigid and it has provided me with an open framework in which to just write whatever... Reading back, I see gaps and I can identify what I didn't wrote in those months and know exactly why I didn't write it...and that's another point why it's so beloved-ah! my namesake-becuase i don't care if someone reads it sometime in the future and has all kinds of wrong ideas about me. They can say whatever, that I was a racist motherfucker, a homophobe, a woman hater, a xenophobe, a twisted sick neurotic bastard, but they won't get it. Because my journal doesn't have any limits, and whoever reads it won't have the full picture, they will just have what I chose to write...they will just get to know a part of me, and that it's fine with me...but they won't have the pictures that I have when I reminisce about those words, and oh those wonderful it will be useless to anybody, but me.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
And since I haven't believed in god in a while, I have acquired a very existentialist way of seeing things. But it's absurd that I found myself telling myself to sleep that I should feel better; that my body needs to fight to not get sick. But hey, si me puedo somatizar tan fácilmente cuando me siento mal, porque no hacer lo contrario...
-- Mobile Post
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Lo interesante
... luego hablamos
--Mobile Post
Monday, August 24, 2009
My indie shit sneaks up on me...
"Forget photos and letters
All the people that matter
They don't move me no more
You don't move me no more
And you're no longer mine
It's suprising how rapidly
We were changing from you and me
No matter how you count, oh no
It will go to show
When history is done
And everything is over
Just to keep us warm
It's slowly getting colder
There's nothing to explain
It's hard to stay the same
History is done
And everything is gone"
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
that great for like a month now. Sucks when your tummy is acting
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Escritos del pasado
¿Quién soy?
Soy la colección de pensamientos y acciones que mi entorno conoce y
recrea como David...
-Los recursos gastados en búsquedas idílicas pueden ser reutilizados
en una búsqueda temporal del yo (o el tú) que está siendo construido
en estos momentos.
Aún no se quien soy...
El sol angulado, pero aún fuerte, retoma posesión de sus súbditos,
mientras estos, unos cuantos pocos ensalzan la gloria de su dicha. No
hay hambre pues tomo mi comida del mar, quién la comparte. "Siendo yo
el el servidor, Poseidón actúa en mi favor y me trae a mis pies su
ofrenda, como un banquete en bruto". Y se alaba, se exalta y se ama...
Entonces, ¿Porqué existo?
-Tomando prestadas ideas pasadas y poseídas, es tu deseo lo que
subordina a toda prerrogativa.
Nadie ama a alguien más de lo que se supone.
-¿No es eso lo que todos hacemos?
Mentira...eso es egoísmo.
Porque se espera retribución de la idea originalmente altruísta.
-¿Quién la desvió?
Eso que aún no conozco. Obligar al sol.... aún más, pedirle al sol
bajar su intensidad es ser una mente más que ha sido quemada en su
mayor perturbación. Nada Hace sentido.
-¿Y que deseas?
Contraponer ideas en el parque, para poder dormir, jugar, disfrutar,
descansar y fornicar con el regocijo de nuestro señor Jesucristo. Ser
uno y ser yo, y el otro y usted. Casarme con un epicureista que admire
al hermano estoico y no vice versa. Placer desenfrenado, sin admitir
el beso en espiral del parasítico Ero. Saber que no es falso y ser un
visitante de la normalidad de vez en vez.
-¿Que tal un cello, un violín junto con tu propia banda sonora?
¿Quién te crees que eres? ¿Quién eres?
-No soy más que un deseo masoquista de lo poco que conoces.
-¿Que hacer entonces?
Vivir en los extremos como muy bien sé solo trae placer temporero
hasta banal. Ser completamente autosuficiente es nada más que una
fantasía prestada de seres mas fríos que tu. Ser completamente
dependiente trae mil problemas adicionales. En este caso un balance no
es un sueño, sino algo imperioso, pues se sufre de ambos y se goza
-Sabiamente reitero mi posición; y al no sentir que necesito de su
explicación, mejor no decir nada.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
La mecánica de los sueños
fun. I realized that small surprises are still a lot of fun. It made
me remember that a bit of the so called good times, can make you have
faith again in other people. Not everything is as it seems, and a
little bit of pain can bring the joy of new skin growth over those old
scars. You are not as bad as others think and you are not that ugly
person that you sometimes thought you were... Cogito ergo sum, cuando
deje de pensar seré como el resto...
And I admire those that challenge me to keep reading and get my family and some friends...
Nonetheless you still rock them, like war scars.
Monday, April 20, 2009
No más...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
still I have to work some shit out, because I have to deal with certain attitudes that I have.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Fidati di me...Laura Pausini
e che una via d'uscita non c'e'
che di questa vita non puoi fare il tifo
quando smetterai di chiederti perche'
non credere che non ci sia
un'altra strada in fondo a questa bugia
non credere che non verra'
una canzone a dirti la verita'
fidati di me
ho sbagliato anch'io
quando per paura non ho fatto a modo mio
fidati di me
non buttarti via
anche se il regalo di un miracolo non c’e’
almeno fidati di me
quando ti diranno che se tocchi il fondo
non puoi risalire piu' su
e se ti metteranno nel cuore un comando
per non farti mai scoprire chi sei tu
non credere che non ci sia
un'altra aurora in fondo a questa follia
non credere che non verra'
una canzone a dirti la verita'
fidati di me
ho sbagliato anch'io
quando senza orgoglio non ho fatto a modo mio
fidati di me
non buttare via
l'ultima occasione che aspettavi dentro te
adesso fidati di me
quando ti diranno che
non puoi chiedere di piu'
che fai bene a camminare a testa in giu'
oltre a questa ipocrisia
devi credere che c'e'
non un muro ma un futuro anche per te
fidati di me
ho sofferto anch'io
quando per coraggio ho visto il mondo a modo mio
fidati di me
non buttarti via
anche se il regalo di un miracolo non c’e’
almeno fidati di me
laura: fidati di me
cori: ho sbagliato anch'io
laura: quando per paura non ho fatto a modo mio
laura: fidati di me
non buttarti via
fattelo un regalo se un miracolo non c’è
almeno fidati di me
Efecto Dominó de Chetes
Estar en control solo es una idea
que te hace sentir feliz
mi preocupacion solo me envenena
no hay forma de predecir
que sera de mi
que sera de mi
Parece que todo se dio
en automatico
como un efecto domino
asi como llega el amor
sin anticipacion
como un efecto domino
En cada carretera hay una desviación
Te toman por sorpresa y pierdes el control
Eventos en cadena cambiando sin razón
Y es cuando te preguntas
Que es lo que será de ti
Que será de ti
Parece que todo se dio
En automático
como un efecto domino
asi como llega el amor
sin anticipacion
como un efecto domino
mira hacia donde te llevo
como un efecto domino
hacia donde me llevara
hacia donde me llevara
hacia donde me llevara me llevara
Parece que todo se dio
en automatico
como un efecto domino
asi como llega el amor
sin anticipacion
como un efecto domino
mira hacia donde te llevo
mira hacia donde te llevo
como un efecto domino
como un efecto domino
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
The come back...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Coming of age
not very much different than a child or a teenager. Although it is not
disputed that I am older and wiser than a child or a teenager (despite
what some people might say), I know with certainty that there are
moments when learning things by ways of transgressing unknown rules is
no less embarassing. This is one of the many reasons why I think I'm
in the process of 'coming of age'; I'm still transgressing my way into
the adult world and there is a long way to go here in the US.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Zero Onán
desesperado... Siento que extraño mi cyber extensión llamada laptop.
Esta semana no pude hacer mucho por culpa de la incompetencia de los
técnicos a cargo del reparo... Y me voy este lunes para una
conferencia sin la laptop...
Y estoy un fin de semana solo, sin el individuo, sin laptop, sin
universidad (porque está cerrada por el Esprin Breik) y sin poder
hacer muchos trabajos... Plus sin poder ver mis películas...
Solo los libros que saqué de la biblioteca a última hora me
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
I figured....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lo etéreo del deseo
-“Que frío hace”-se dijo, mientras pensaba en lo extraño que era escuchar su voz. Pensamientos que giran alrededor de lo sucedido: entendimiento, ¿Conciencia? Que ridiculez...el frío, las arañas, los ocasionales insectos, y la pregunta que nos plaga a todos, el origen...
Una comunicación etérea sucedió en ese momento. Ni siquiera se rebajó a las abstracciones de la semántico y fonologías antropomorfas, si no que con una estimulación mental no esperada hasta miles de años mas tarde en fundaciones cósmicas lejanas, se daba un habla, que no era habla en sí. Sentidos eran expuestos, y el otro los recibía; energías eran transmitidas y el remitente las interpretaba. Poco quedaba para la auscultación de quien fuese. Movimientos tan anormales como la brisa del viento, cambiaban el sentido, las energías, los gestos. Así es que si la luz del sol decidiera dirigirse hacia cierto punto, tal punto sería empujado por una coma, y diversos resultados se recibieran. Quisiera concretizar esta descripción, pero siento que no le hago justicia. La lectura de un libro, no describe del todo este flujo tan abierto al estímulo. Lo más cercano, será presentado.
El libro se irguió.
Mientras se abría y hojeaba sus propias páginas con su vaivén particular, la planta recibió su presencia. La reconoció, pero se mantuvo sin moverse. El libro dio un suspiro.
-“Yo tampoco sé de dónde vengo. Pero intuyo que de alguna manera u otra, tenemos mucho en común”-
El libro entendió claramente el mensaje. Aún así, no encontró como esconder su desesperación ante la asumida arrogancia de la planta. Pero la planta creció una pulgada más ese día; una pulgada de entendimiento y miedo de su destino.
Hombre Bicentenario
Acabo de ver la película (nada de sueño aunque son las 3:18 am) y me encantó. Ahora quiero con más ganas leer el libro. La película toca en la existencialidad humana que reflejan los robots. I, Robot (quiero decir Yo, Robot pues lo leí en español) presentó muchos aspectos de la humanidad y los avances tecnológicos de una manera tal que no comprometían nuestro futuro en un nihilismo post-apocalíptico.
Asimov es un genio, y se está ganando ese espacio en mi vida, reservado para mi autor favorito.
Bicentennial Man se convierte en una de las películas más influyentes en mi vida...ahí ahí con Magnolia.
Observo los ojos de los otros, y veo como el interés se apaga y recogen toda su vergüenza y la presentan, como su última excusa...pero, de cualquier modo se van...
Se muy bien lo que es ese despecho, en especial la risa de los que no quieren entender y se acogen en sus prerrogativas; ¿Que mas da?
Aunque no me sumo en esa tristeza ahora mismo, el cosmos me dio sensibilidad hacia ella... y aunque no la perciba, sienta o sufra ahora mismo, siento con mucho dolor la mirada de aquel que busca en otro ese je ne sais quois, quel perché, that what happened?...
No hay respuesta que satisfaga... Como dice Moby:”Sientes por dentro que todos se van, sientes tu alma queriendo escapar!”
Cuando veo que alguien ve su confianza traicionada, siento una gran volición que me asienta y me revierte pensamientos/sentimientos oximorónicos... pena alegre, tristeza satisfactoria,empatía que me aisla [pensando en como fui/soy y como siente el otro/como siento yo], etc...
Solo envío energías positivas a aquellos que se encuentren en tal situación, todo se pondrá mejor; atestiguo tal cliché....Pues estoy mejor
“I've seen a Dying Eye
Run round and round a Room --
In search of Something -- as it seemed --
Then Cloudier become --
And then -- obscure with Fog --
And then -- be soldered down
Without disclosing what it be
'Twere blessed to have seen --”
Emily Dickinson
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Soy como una esponja tipo monstruo
sentimiento como una extremidad mas de mi cuerpo. Como la esponja que
soy, tengo muchas caras y ninguna es definitiva en declararse como la
verdadera. Como organismo normal, percibo las amenazas y respondo
girando mi cuerpo para mostar la cara adecuada. Nada sin dolor...
Porque la faceta que quisiera que me representara está cubierta por
brazos adicionales y ojos malévolos. Me vuelvo más grande cada vez
que incorporo una pieza más en mi conciencia, pero una cara
transformandose te mira la próxima vez. Quisiera que no provocaras que
me creciera este nuevo hueco, pero soy una esponja.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Music of my life
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button TWICE
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in man!
7. Tag 10 people, and they have to do it too :)
Opening Credits: I Can't Wait -The White Stripes
Waking Up: Window - Fiona Apple
First Day at School: Up Against the Wall- Peter Bjorn and John
Falling in Love: Oh, Injury- Rasputina
Losing Virginity: The Imploding Voice- The Smashing Pumpkins
Fight Song: In the End - Linkin Park
Breaking Up: Lunchbox - Marilyn Manson
Prom: Never Let 'Em - Nelly
Life: You Don't care about us- Placebo
Mental Breakdown: Little Star - Madonna
Driving: Our Faces Split the Coast in Half- Broken Social Scene
Flashback: The Letter - A*Teens
Getting Back Together: Malice - Terrorfakt (lol, nothing says back together like industrial)
Wedding: Que no te haga bobo Jacobo - Molotov
Birth of Child: Merry Happy - Kate Nash
Final Battle: Reverie - Lacuna Coil
Death Scene: Tschusch Domos - :wumpscut:
Closing Credits: The Water - Feist
Directors Cut Footnote: You take my breath away - The Knife
so, what... no Britney?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
for the sake of people who (might) read this in english:
I just felt awesome listening to music en spanish...i dunno what brought this, but it made me happy...
I am part of the elite...
These past few days I have been a bit hateful towards certain people (mainly dumb people)...
Though in no connection to the last post, I sometimes feel like I am member of the egocentric bourgeoisie.
Love is...
It’s simple as it sounds...
Upper class is interested somehow in keeping their riches among themselves... So they just get interested (most of the time) with other people that want to do the same thing.
Lower class is so caught up in the circumstances that most of the time, deprive them of full liberty, and thus most of the time end up in relationships they didn’t intend to get into (translation=unplanned pregnancies and lots of them).
Thus middle class is mainly the one that indulges in such a folly called love. They have enough time to waste time away in how grand it can be, but not enough to actually ‘live it’. Among other things, it is the bourgeoisie that always ends up being too caught up in this ‘love’ sentiment. Part of another power ideology.
Oh and, don’t beat me up for being too simplistic, I know I am... but nonetheless, I’m right...
Monday, February 09, 2009
if you're going to do something good...
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Came back...
Now, I may talk about this later but all I can think now is that today was the day that I cried in front of my professor...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
I don't get how some people get so excited about Fridays...
Maybe it's because my schedule is not as rigid in terms of Monday-Friday like many people...
anyway, I might go down to DC tonight... maybe just stay home holed up watching tv (which is great too) as I won't have company today :(
Maybe I'll read because i finished Foundation and Empire and I just took out of the library Second Foundation, so even though I have to read quite a lot for school, I'm in for some fun treats with my books...
Bon appetit...
ps. the link in the last post is back up...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A long time ago...
The Link
such a long time ago...
anyway, perusing through cyberspace I read a little something that I found disturbing (in a 'your wrong' kinda way, not the 'you disgust me' kinda way)... People should not attack other people just because they have inferiority complexes (yes, I took a bit of psychology (my major) so I know a bit like I said) and in general terms, I hate that people attack 'institutions' and people in those institutions without even knowing the full story... and that's why those people are at the bottom of the evolutionary continuum, even though they may boast they know a lot about it.
Dumbledave out...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I do
(pero tiene razón víbora difícil 'updeitiar' esto cuando uno está tan feliz...y con esa cursilería, me ne vado!)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
new pleasures...
I tell you the pleasure of doing it, was indescribable...
Sunday, January 04, 2009
well, not that sweet...
Obama chose Rick Warren to pray at his inauguration, in his spirit of inclusiveness and what not...
But, in his message of inclusiveness and foreign policy he mentioned he would 'initiate' talks with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but that doesn't mean that he would invite him to say his inauguration prayers, or will he?
Rick warren is a bigot, that has spread hateful messages against jews and the LGBT community. Condemning the jews to hell and comparing homosexuality with bestiality and pedophilia. Is his message that far away from Taliban doctrine?
If he is inviting a bigot to pray for the 'blessing' of his entrance into office, I am having doubts about his future decisions...
This is not good...and I am tired of being treated as a second class citizen!