Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Necesito un favor:
Dave is almost a professional now (in academic terms...) because he was accepted at this prestigious (what an ego, huh?) program where he will do mentored psychological research investigations for 2 years, while they pay him a large sum of money and his "matricula". Dave is happy with his achievement, and proud of what he was able to achieve. Now, the thing is this honor came with a lot of responsabilities, meaning that Dave will have more stress than ever, and if you know him as I do, you will know that he stresses over every minimal little quiz on class, and does all this big motherfucking "repasos" pa sus exámenes. El punto es que he's like: "Hold me now, I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking, that maybe six feet ain’t so far down" (big drama if you ask me), the point!!!: Necesito una agenda pa organizarme, pues tenía una(I mean he had one) y la perdí(o) :(, era la mejor agenda ever... Y el pobre fue ayer a Borders a comprarse una, y las habían retirado todas por alguna razón inexplicable!!! que mal
Please help with the cause, Support a nerd student today by giving him una agenda, con un solo regalo de una agenda, usted hará feliz a un estudiante nerdito por el resto del año...
o vendanmela, I don't care...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meeeh, yo te compraria una, pero nada mas veo las agendas cursi. >.> *hugs*