Saturday, November 08, 2008

Stupid, stupid people of the US

It's true that we have come a long way and we elected our first African-American president. But it's sad that the LGBT community is still being treated as second class citizens. Worst of all is that in the states where these discriminatory laws got passed, they were supported by more than the majority of Latino/Hispanic and African-American that voted.

Seriously? How the hell can you be black or Latino and still discriminate towards others? Towards your brothers and sisters?

How the hell? I mean what the fuck? How can you discriminate against LOVE?

And then there are stupid people like this Solomon Brown from California. An African-American young man that voted for Obama and voted in favor of prop 8, and then he says:

" He had no qualms about voting for Obama, either, and adds that his choice wasn't related to race. But he worries what moral beliefs will be taught in coming years.

"I don't want a man and a man to be married," Brown said. "When I have kids, I don't want them to see that."

Still, he says he doesn't hate gay people and has several gay friends. He emphasizes that he dislikes the fact that people are gay, but not the individuals themselves.

"I can't be prejudiced against them, with me being an African-American," Brown said. "That would be hypocritical in my eyes.""

How is that OK? How is it OK to dislike the fact that people are gay? How is it OK to just say it in NATIONAL PRESS??? I mean can I be honest here and just say that I dislike the fact that people are black? or Latinos? Because, they were born that way right? They didn't choose to be black or Latino, right? How the hell is that different from gay people? I would be so criticized if I ever said: "Yes, um I like keebler crackers, but oh no, I'm sorry, black people? No, I dislike them.

How is it OK to still treat some people like that? "I dislike how you were born and I'm sorry but it disgusts me so much that my children shouldn't be exposed to such an atrocity...
"But hey let's put on some sex and violence here on tv just for the kids. right? RIGHT? How is that any different from any white bigot that 'dislikes' Jews or Blacks just because they are that way? In what century are we? I seem to be lost in some anachronistic vortex here.

You Solomon Brown are a prejudiced little fucker, cause you are judging them by saying you dislike the fact they are gay? You disgust me, and personally i am tired of being (as they say) TOLERANT to people who are just plain stupid.

This is just too much...I'm starting to become a bit of a misanthrope...


Mademoiselle Framboise said...

el tio ese
inconsecuente es su adjetivo

Davide the Half-Blood Roboto said...

seriamente, esa es la mejor palabra para describir a individuos como este...